
The Consellera d’Ensenyament visits us

On day June 14, 2016 Victransa is visited by the Regional Minister d’Ensenyament, the Hon. Ms. Meritxell Ruiz i Isern in the framework of collaboration with the Institut de Vic to carry out the training DUAL, specifically the Higher Level Training Cycle Transport and Logistics.
An informal meeting is held with Mr. Jaume Noguer, Dir. General Victransa, Mr. Ramon Almató, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Ms. Maria Pilar Collell, the Secretary of the Board of Directors and Ms. Elisabet Costa, responsible training and students tutor, and the DUAL students themselves. We also have the assistance of Dir. of the Institute of Vic, Mr. Cristòful Estrella, and Sots-director of FP, Ms. Anna Messalles.
It is observed by all parties, the need to continue working, promoting and developing this learning format, which until now has produced very good results.